Here's the thing. I work a lot more and have more responsibility now....and I get very frustrated when trying to get pictures onto my computer because I lost my camera cord and have to use my printer, but don't have enough outlets to plug in the printer and the computer so I have to unplug eight things and a blog without pictures is boring* blah blah blah.
Lately I've been on a positivity kick. I'm a pretty positive person on the whole, but I've been more stressed than usual so I've been trying to lower the stress and up the laughter. Then today, I had amazing bus luck and my iPod picked the greatest shuffle ever.
What does this all mean Molly?
It means this. I'm going to start blogging on a more regular basis...but only about things I like. Friends, family members, food stuffs, websites, videos...whatever. I'm no longer going to rehash my life (it makes me too tired to blog about it, then journal about it, then call my mom and talk about it) or complain about the unfair ways of the world (which I don't do often anyway, or do I? I don't really know)...
I will start with this:
I like my mom.
1. She loves tequila. Drinks it on the rocks at times.
2. She was a twirler in high school. Nowadays she can do some tricks with a ball-point pen that are unbelievable.
3. She sings jazz beautifully and is an amazing writer. She got those traits from me of course....
Fun Fact!: "[She] is the former coach of Ugly Betty star Michael Urie." You might think I'm bragging (which I am, cause I'm proud of him and her) but my mom is an amazing speech coach. That's also a direct quote from a blurb about my mom by the NFL (National Forensic League). She has had many national champions because she's so freakin' goooood at her job.
If you haven't met her I'll give you her e-mail address, cause she's awesome, amazing, and beautiful.
*If your blog doesn't have pictures....well, I still read it. It just takes me longer. This does not count the Sexy 2008 blog which I read relentlessly to up my sexy quotient.