Thursday, March 06, 2008

Well well well....

Here's a new one folks:

Now that didn't take very long, did it..:)

Monday, February 11, 2008

The End

for now.

Hey, in case you hadn't noticed I haven't updated my blog.

The truth is I can't right now. I have a lot going on (all good!) and I don't have the energy to keep up my blog (obviously).

Right now as I type this I'm convincing myself that I DO have enough time...Molly, come on!

But I just don't right now.

Maybe someday, hopefully sooner rather than later.

I leave you with this:

I like you.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


I like the fact that I know this movie will be bad and I will love every minute of it.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Snowsuit Babies!

I like babies wearing snowsuits. I don't really like babies that much, they frighten me. Sometimes they're cute to look at, but mostly I just feel awkward.

But when I see a baby in a snowsuit I giggle gleefully at how adorable they are.

3 fun facts about babies and snowsuits:

1. I worked in a nursery for almost a year and was amazed that parents actually fed they're 20 month old children pasta with meat sauce for lunch, knowing the kid doesn't know how to use silverware, let alone even hold it properly.

2. I have no babies of my own, nor do I desire babies of my own at this moment in time.

3. I don't own a snow suit but I did own a pair of those awesome jumper ski pant things at one time. I've skied. Cross country and downhill...and I've fallen and done that little roach move, who knows what I'm talking about?

Finlay-regular doesn't mean daily, or hourly. It can mean weekly, or monthly, or yearly....or a combination of any length of time. Does that makes sense? Cause it totally makes sense to me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Blog Re-do

So I haven't blogged in over a month I think...well at least a month.

Here's the thing. I work a lot more and have more responsibility now....and I get very frustrated when trying to get pictures onto my computer because I lost my camera cord and have to use my printer, but don't have enough outlets to plug in the printer and the computer so I have to unplug eight things and a blog without pictures is boring* blah blah blah.

Lately I've been on a positivity kick. I'm a pretty positive person on the whole, but I've been more stressed than usual so I've been trying to lower the stress and up the laughter. Then today, I had amazing bus luck and my iPod picked the greatest shuffle ever.

What does this all mean Molly?

It means this. I'm going to start blogging on a more regular basis...but only about things I like. Friends, family members, food stuffs, websites, videos...whatever. I'm no longer going to rehash my life (it makes me too tired to blog about it, then journal about it, then call my mom and talk about it) or complain about the unfair ways of the world (which I don't do often anyway, or do I? I don't really know)...

I will start with this:

I like my mom.

She is amazing. She would also kill me if she knew I'd chosen this picture. My mom is my angel. She knows things. She also puts me in my place and supports my love of expensive make-up (probably not a plus for my bank account). She sends me love when I need it and scolds me when I need that too. Three things you should know about her and one Fun Fact!:

1. She loves tequila. Drinks it on the rocks at times.
2. She was a twirler in high school. Nowadays she can do some tricks with a ball-point pen that are unbelievable.
3. She sings jazz beautifully and is an amazing writer. She got those traits from me of course....

Fun Fact!: "[She] is the former coach of Ugly Betty star Michael Urie." You might think I'm bragging (which I am, cause I'm proud of him and her) but my mom is an amazing speech coach. That's also a direct quote from a blurb about my mom by the NFL (National Forensic League). She has had many national champions because she's so freakin' goooood at her job.

If you haven't met her I'll give you her e-mail address, cause she's awesome, amazing, and beautiful.

*If your blog doesn't have pictures....well, I still read it. It just takes me longer. This does not count the Sexy 2008 blog which I read relentlessly to up my sexy quotient.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treat or Win...

The Mavericks won last night.

"The Mavs made Quicken Loans Arena their personal trick-or-treat cul-de-sac, filling up their candy bag with enough 3-pointers, steals, layups and blocked shots in the 92-74 blowout to make any sweet tooth happy"

This is the best metaphor Art Garcia could come up with. Halloween is cheesy. So is Art Garcia's metaphor. What are you gonna do?

Go Mavs.

Friday, October 26, 2007

It's Almost Time...

Another reason why Texas is awesome. High school football is televised. You might think that's excessive. Welcome to Texas. I think this is reason number 3 but I'm not sure...I've lost count.

I haven't been posting a lot because I've been in out of town, hosting house guests and being all together a busy bee. My day job also requires me to stare at a computer for hours at a time clicking "yes" and "no" over and over. So staring at my computer when I come home is not my favorite.

I had a birthday recently. I wanted to say, to my friends who attended the birthday feast, thank you for coming. It was really cool to see all of your faces in a room together laughing and eating. Y'all make me happy...and that makes me tear up a little bit. I'm lucky to have met such amazing people in this lovely city. Thanks for being my friends.

Enough sap.

Exactly one week from today the Dallas Mavericks' season will officially begin. One week until opening night y'all! I might pee my pants with excitement... My dear friend Joe, who is a Rockets fan (Lord, please forgive him. He knows what he roots for), and I made a little $20 wager on this season. He thinks the Rockets will go farther than the Mavericks in the playoffs. I think the opposite. If neither team makes it to the playoffs then the winner will be dependent on which team has a better record for the season. That part doesn't really matter though because the Mavs will go farther. They just will. Period.

He also made the following prediction for the season:

Rox (his abbreviation, not mine) will be 61-21
Mavs will be 42-40

That's laughable. Come on Joe...for realz...