Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good Days...

I have had some really good days and some positive things happen in the past couple of weeks. To make things even more great and wonderful, my mom and dad are visiting for the next few days. I like them. They like me. It's cute.

One good thing that happened is that I finally got to hang out with my old friend Tim. We went to high school together and did improv together back in Texas, but since we've moved here really haven't seen each other in awhile. Ten months to be exact. Look at Tim and his iPhone:

Tim and I vowed not to wait ten months before we hung out again. I then stole is book on Coldfusion to ensure this would happen.

Also, Monday was first official Funday (or Nerdnight if your name is Kate). We played board games. Mainly Catch Phrase. Two notes on Catch Phrase:

- Iraqi Spider Hole is actually a phrase in the game.
- This game is WAY more fun in the dark.

It was also Sherman's birthday. My friend Katy and I surprised him with cake. We couldn't find candles so we substituted toothpicks. Crafty, I know.

Fun Fact: Meeting people at the airport is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me happy.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Catch phrase is my favorite game ever. We need to watch High School Musical ... maybe have a gathering. I will send an e-mail.