Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dogs That Blog...

You may remember a post from a couple of weeks ago that was a blog written by my niece and nephew, the Yorkie's. There have now been six blogs written by the dogs while they are staying at grandma's, aka my parents house. This may be the best one.

Helo evribadi,

Wel, tuday started off intresting. Novitskee’s sessive kumpulsiv disorder kickd in. Win grandmaw left for skul we wer sad. She had to go giv exams. I wanted to go and git an exam, but she said I wuldn’t like it. After she left, Novitskee klimbed into a pillowkas waiting to be washed. Win grandpaw kam hom from a pointment he kudn’t find Vitskee….

This is Nowitski speaking. I took the keyboard from Hermione because she is not getting the story quite right. I was not; I repeat – I was not suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder this morning. I was simply exercising my first amendment right to free speech and protesting Grandmother’s departure. Some people protest by wrapping in a flag. I was using a pillowcase. That’s all it was. I repeat. That’s all it was. I repeat. That’s all it was. I repeat. That’s all it was. I repeat. Now that I’ve said that four times, I will take Hermione into the other room for her spelling lesson. I think we can all see she needs it.

Tuda, wuz krazy. Grandmaw went to give exams, but she got sick and had to come home. We were sorri she felt bad, but wer glad to see her. She went back to start a nuther exam and then came home earli. We lade on the sofa with her all afternoon and helped mak her better. Vitskee is giving me spelin lessons. Ther he gos, being all misogynistic. Just bekaws I chus not tu use spelin men invented to keep us in our plas. Boyz!!


The uhdorable wunz

Nowitski is the male dog who is also extremely feminine and obsessive, and Hermione is the female dog who is stubborn, always right, and playful. Like her mother. And grandmother. And great-grandmother. And Aunt. I'm noticing a trend...

1 comment:

Louie said...

Please keep posting dog blogs... It's ado-wable!