Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Slightly Under the Weather...

I woke up for work this morning at 4:30 am. It's funny because I got home pretty late last night and when I got in bed, I propped myself up a so I could watch T.V. I never actually turned the T.V. on. I woke up still propped up in the same position with the addition of a sore throat. Smart little me left the window open and it was chilly last night. The cold breeze sent my sinuses into a tizzy my friends.

I've felt pretty poopy all day. I thought I would get a chance to rest, but I really didn't. I had a lot of things to catch up on. I was supposed to attend a Seder at my friend Johannah's house but I have a late rehearsal tonight and I start my internship tomorrow so I want to be rested. I'm sad.

Can I tell you what just made me the happiest person alive? Seriously? Can I?

This place: Duck Walk.

Every time I order food to be delivered, the delivery man shows up with the biggest smile and the happiest, friendliest attitude. It's so refreshing! Yea!!!!!!!! For happy people who serve Thai food!

1 comment:

Louie said...

Duck walk is one of my favorite places in the world. It's deelish, and super cheap.