Friday, November 10, 2006

Slightly askew...

I've been a wee bit negative lately and I'm not sure why. I am very happy. My life is pretty good right now. Really I shouldn't say that because now that I've typed it something horrible will happen. Wait, that was negative.

I have lived in Chicago for a little over three months now. It's funny to think back on why I am in Chicago to begin with. I had only been here once before I moved here and that was to look for an apartment. I lived in LA and thought for sure the good Lord would force me back there, all the while praying that I would move to New York. Want to hear the irony? Here in Chicago I live on the corner of Melrose and Broadway.

::Insert Twilight Zone theme here::

PS The birthday bean has a music note on the other side. Strange. I didn't notice it before. My mom is STILL wondering why I haven't written a new song...she must have planted the note there to motivate me. Damn her, it worked.

1 comment:

Ellen Wohlberg said...

No more negativity!! Let's do something fun this weekend.