Thursday, November 30, 2006

There is an island somewhere calling my name...

I seem to think this a lot:


My brain repeats this phrase at least ten times a day if not more. A lot of the time it has to do with customers at work, who are strange and truthfully disconnected from the world around them. Some of the time it has to do with my friends and family who I love, but sometimes do strange things. Other times it is purely random. The cause of the phrase most often this week is men. They are strange. I don't get them. I've never really claimed to be an expert, but I now know I'm not even close to being slightly knowledgeable. I wish I could find a guy who would give me an honest answer to some questions I have, but it may be impossible. Questions I have for a male if one chooses to answer:

What makes a guy think that singing. "We Built This City on Rock and Roll" to me at a condiment bar will make me want to go out with them?

What makes a guy think that after he tells a girl she is weak, or should f*** off, she will want to be friends with him again?

What makes a guy break up with a girl like me? (And if you know me, you know I'm pretty awesome).

What makes a guy think that buying his girlfriend a crock pot for her birthday is okay even if she says that's what she wants, but she also has said she likes jewelry?

What makes a guy think that dancing up behind me at a bar/club will be a turn on even after I have walked away from him over three times?

What makes a guy NOT say how he really feels?

What makes a guy think that telling his co-worker she looks "horrible" on the one day she doesn't bother to wear make-up because she was up all night is okay?

Technically men have bigger brains than females...but I don't see it.

I should end this by saying I have plenty of moments, I'm sure, where people look at me and think, "Really?" But I don't have to comment on those. It's my blog and I can say whatever I want to.

P.S. It's going to snow. But it hasn't snowed yet. You want to know the ironic part? It's snowing at my parents house in Texas right now:

That's my parents backyard with "Texas Dust" aka snow.

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