I have Zipcar. I love Zipcar. I don't really use it often, but I like knowing that I can rent a car at any given moment for whatever I please. Like this Tuesday I rented a BMW to go to Trader Joe's. Why a BMW? Because why not.
My love affair with the Beemer started when I first got to drive one on a course with my dad several years back. If you've never driven one, you've never truly driven. For serious folks. This one had a start button.
My friend Katie accompanied me. We kept piling on groceries until our cart actually started veering to the left at every push because it was too full. We would worry and then remember, "We have a car." The answer to every problem and situation Tuesday was, "We have a car." I even bought a filing cabinet because, "I had a car."
Zipcar Zipcar Zipcar. BMW BMW BMW. Both companies are totally paying me for every time I use their name in this post.
Also, yesterday...I found $50 lying on the ground in front of an abandoned warehouse. Not kidding. Pretty awesome.
Wow, someone is living the high life!
Agreed ... I've driven over 100 cars, and the best ones have been German ... and the best of those have been BMWs ... if only someone would T-Bone my car (when I'm not in it), so I can collect the insurance money and buy one ... till then, I suppose I'll have to work and save. Boring!
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