Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Accidents can happen, they can happen to you...

I had the pleasure of going to lunch with my friend Alexandra on Tuesday. In order to meet her I had to go downtown to her office in the NBC building. She drew me these maps in order to help me find my why. She's pretty thoughtful and must have been avoiding actually working. We had a nice lunch of Japanese food from a food court.

After lunch I went to see a movie with myself. For all of you Julia Cameron fans call it an "artist date." It just so happened that the movie let out right as Alexandra was getting off of work. So we rode the train together. It was sweet.

I thought we were parting ways when we ended up eating dinner together too, this time at Chipotle.

Don't think the night ended there. We went to the Hideout to see Funny Ha Ha which for me was less funny and even lesser ha ha, except for the short film and the woman from Schadenfreude. But our friend from improv class Alissa was there. That was fun. Alexandra and I eventually did have to part ways...but not without accidentally spending two meals and several hours of our day in each others company. So sweet.

The quote of the evening belongs to Alissa. We all were putting our coats on and bundling up when Alissa exclaimed, "Why is there an onion in my pocket?" She then proceeded to pull an onion out of her pocket.

1 comment:

Today, Tomorrow, The Next Day said...

I had Chipotle for dinner too, except not with you guys.