Thursday, December 21, 2006

Work Gets In The Way...

Last Friday some girlfriends and I got together to "improvise." We didn't actually improvise. We had a two hour dance party and ate cupcakes. I know what you're thinking, "That sounds like a cliche slumber party! Did ya'll have a pillow fight too??!!" Well, it kind of was a slumber party without the slumber. For now (meaning for our Cagematch entry) we are called: P.S. The Dandade Breakdown after our good friend Neil Dandade. Ellen unfortunately cannot enter the Cagematch with our team. She was stolen out from under our noses by another team. Bastards. Oh not really. I'm only kidding. Here is our thoughtful picture, where we are thinking about thinking but not actually thinking. Or something.

The truths is:
I am stressed.
I don't normally admit things like that, and don't normally get stressed that easily, but I am. Right now.

I woke up this morning with a list so long running through my head that I want to hide from myself. I realized yesterday I have to pick up some things from my friend Johanna who lives in the South Loop, do my laundry, work, find a Christmas present for my dad (I can't JUST get him a nose hair trimmer, you know?), clean my apartment, and finish my screenplay for Project Writing Reader's Theatre at iO, hopefully all before Saturday morning when my parents get here. I am the first writer to present for Reader's Theater. I'm not as nervous about presenting as I am finishing. I'm usually a last minute kind of girl. But there are other people involved now, not just me, and that's pressure. Argh. My cold is getting a little better though.

Does anyone want to come over and do my laundry, clean, and work at the 'Bucks for me? The rest I can handle if someone could just take care of those little things for me. Thanks. I appreciate it.


Today, Tomorrow, The Next Day said...

A) Don't be stressed.

B) The following reasons I love this picture so friggen much:
1) Apparently thinking to us means looking up pensively
2) Thinking to Kristin means she is scared
3) Ellen looks like she is trying to do math
4) We all look super hot.

Kristin said...

I am so sad right now that I missed the presentation thing at IO. Tahnee is right, we do all look super hot. And I do look scared. Because whenever I think, I get scared ...