Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Morning at the Oasis...

I'm cheesy before I've had my morning coffee.

Sometimes I forget how great this album is:

Then, something always reminds me. At the piano bar lat night, one of the pianists (is that what you call them?) played an incredibly sped up horrible version of Wonderwall. They speed every slow song up in those places. Except for Karma Police, which Brian requested. They played that surprisingly well.

There was also a very high birthday girl named Anna who got on stage and sang. I was in heaven. I love it when people sing bad live. That might be mean...I swear I'm not mean. I just love it when people think they're really good and they're not...well, actually, I start to feel bad for them after awhile. The thing was, Anna knew she was bad. She gave up after awhile and just sat at the piano while they pianist sang a song about her "boobies."

I think I need some morning music to get me going. I'm off to my Oasis...get it? I need some breakfast...

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