Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Wee Bit Strange...

So...I'm at work at the coffee shop this morning when my supervisor comes in and tells me I have a phone call.

I go to the back room to answer and it was a woman. This woman claims to have been in a class at iO with me for only a couple of weeks and mentioned the name of another girl in the class. I sort of recognized this woman's, mainly because I think my friends mother-in-law shares the same name, but I didn't recognize the name of the other woman we were supposedly friends with. The woman knew my full name though.

Even stranger, she was at another branch of my coffee shop and had the manager there find my name, what store I work at, and then had him call my store to see if I was there...hence receiving the call at work.

I didn't have the heart to tell her I couldn't remember who she was or what class she was referring to. I also couldn't think fast enough to get more info from her without making her feel bad. She was really excited to have found me.

I gave her my e-mail address. We'll see what happens...maybe I have some crazy identity stealing stalker or something. Or there is another Molly Wilbanks running around doing improv in Chicago who also works at my coffee shop. Creeeeeepy.....


Louie said...

If she is a stalker than she probably reads your blog...

they never caught the zodiac killer

Kristin said...

Wait why did she want to find you? I mean, I know you're awesome but did she have a specific reason??