After the read through, Greg drove a gaggle of us to our respective places of dwelling. I think it might have been the most fun car ride I've had in a long time. Greg really showed off his amazing driving skills. He's a bit of a daredevil. I thought we were going to crash several times. Right as Louie was about to get dropped off, we almost did crash. Into another car. But we didn't. We all made it home in one piece.
We all got kind of sad that this was our last read through. Last Saturday was a celebration of our six or so months together. I think we're also going to have a dinner next week to say goodbye. Again. Maybe we'll just keep saying goodbye to each other forever. There's this great song that says, "If you never stop when you wave goodbye, you just might find if you give it time you will wave hello again..." I'm so sappy.
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