In an attempt to up the quality of my web page browsing, along with trying to inflate my knowledge of current events, I've set up as my new homepage. It's a three day old experiment that already isn't working. The minute Slate comes up I immediately switch to MySpace, then Perez Hilton and then Arnie's blog. What? You read it too. Don't lie. Some habits die hard.
I've gotten into a lot of habits since I've moved to Chicago...the best one is...being really busy. Is that even a habit? I don't know. I've never in my life had so much going on...and it feels great.
Back in L.A. I attempted to make myself busy. I had no job and went on auditions once a week. I would make lists of things I needed to get done daily. I've reverted back to that because I have a lot going on improv/writingwise that requires outside work...and since I'm scheduled an average of two days a week at the coffee shop...I need to manage my time wisely. I made a list for today and though it had to be tweaked slightly, I'm sticking to it pretty well. I'm proud of myself.
I also had my first slip-and-fall-on-ice-on-the-sidewalk-in-front-of-that-stupid-building
-who-never-salts-it's-sidewalk experience. I don't even have a bruise. Awesome.
Last night was All the Way to Chicago's first show.
Those people are the best. We played hard and it was good times. Thank you if you came...if you didn't...come next time. You don't want to miss the fun. I know it. Because I know you. Maybe.
1 comment:
slate has podcast. maybe you should look into that.
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